At Camp Conestoga there are plenty of opportunities for your Scouts to experience the Scouting program at its very finest. There are programs available for young and old Scouts alike. The new Scouts can become acquainted with Camp Conestoga and the summer camp experience in the Pathfinder Program. Older Scouts can participate in our COPE program. All of this and more provides a great opportunity for your Scouts to continue on their trail to eagle. Outstanding facilities, dedicated and enthusiastic Camp Staff, diverse advancement opportunities, program features for first year campers and older Scouts all add up to adventures that will truly last a lifetime.
All Webelos scouts joining troop 480 will take the Pathfinder program.
All participants (youth and adults) attending summer camp are required to have an annual physical exam by a licensed medical practitioner. Use the current version of the BSA Annual Medical Form (Please use the “Are you Going to Camp?” Section). Camp Conestoga asks that this additional medical form be completed and turned in with your doctor approved physical. Turn in both forms, along with a copy of your insurance card(s), to the troop no later than one week prior to camp.
Pickup Authorization:
An pickup authorization form must be completed for every participating Scout. This form documents the persons permitted to pickup and take the Scout from camp, either during or at the end of the week. Please turn this document into the Scoutmaster.
New Scouts coming from Webelos this year: $420/scout if received by WFC by May 2, 2025 or $440 if received after
May 2nd. All other Scouts: $50 deposit required before
March 7, 2025 (Payment due to troop by March 5) to receive the total discounted price of $420 if paid by
May 2, 2025. If no deposit, or full payment is not received by
May 2nd, the total fee is $440.
Family Discount: $35 discount for the second (and subsequent) scout attending Camp Conestoga in the same year. Families with scouts attending both Conestoga and Buck Run will receive a 10% discount on the second (and subsequent) scout camp fee.
For those Scout Families who may need some financial assistance please see the attached Campership Information.
Pay all fees through this site or with the troop Treasurer, allowing enough time for the monies to reach the council office.
You may use our online system to reserve a space and make a deposit BEFORE
March 7th , or register and pay the balance AFTER
March 7 . Payment Deadlines to Troop 480: Deposits,
March 5th ; Final Payments,
April 30th .
Adult Participation:
Adults wishing to participate in a leadership role at summer camp (for the full week or a few days) may register via this system. You will not be charged for camp, at this time. Your final fee will be determined at the end of camp and will be based on the total number of participating adults and the number of days you attend.
Forgot your UserID or password? Click the button above. Go to the login screen, select the 'Forgot password?' option. Submit your Email address. If that address is found in our records, you will receive a Email message. Follow the instructions on that email to reset your password.
Don't have a Troop480 UserID? Click the button below to request a new UserID. Read and follow all of the instructions on the Registration page.