Klondike Derby
February 15, 2025

Always a fun time, the Laurel Hills Klondike Derby will be held at Camp Tenacharison. Teams pull a klondike sled to various stations where they compete in various scout skills.

Location: Camp Tenacharison; 332 Boy Scout Camp Rd; Smithton, PA 15479
Date: February 15, 2025
Departure/Arrival: Meet at the church at 7:00 a.m. to depart by 7:30 a.m.

Scouts will return late in the day (perhaps as late as 5:00 p.m.). They will call home for rides as they leave Camp Tenacharison (about 1/2 hour before they arrive back at the church).

Driving Time: Approximately 30 minutes each direction.
Maps: Driving Directions to Camp Tenacharison
Program: Participating troops will each be responsible for setting up and running one activity station. While scouts will spend most of the day participating in other unit's activities, they will also need to take a short turn running our station.
What to Bring: Teams must have a Klondike sled (The sled should be equipped with skis) and a helmet. And also maybe wheels in case there is no snow. Bring team supplies, as requested. Dress warmly, as you will be outside all day

Bring a can of condensed soup to add to our famous '57' varieties blend. Remove the label from the can before you come, so the contents are a surprise. The troop will supplement the soup with hot sandwiches and other lunch items.
Activity Fee: $20.00 (Adults: $0.00) - Your fee covers event registration and lunch.
Registration: Register early on our online system to save your space, but no later than Wednesday, February 12 .


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